September 8, 2024
Types of Web Development?

Types of Web Development?

Majorly there are 3 types of web development:

Front-end development:  

Front-end developers are responsible for creating that part where users interact with the website: The front end. These developers design and create website content appearance using HTML, Javascript, CSS, DOM, jQuery etc. 

Roles And Responsibilities  

  • Developing the frontend of websites.
  • Translating designs and UI into functional prototypes. 
  • Write codes and troubleshoot bugs. 
  • Collaborate with the backend developers and UI team. 
  • Stay updated with the latest trends in the domain.

Back-end development: The developer that handles the behind the scene of the website

The Developer who takes care of the behind the scenes of a website, unlike front-end developers; back-end developers create, maintain, test, and debug the entire back-end side of a website.

These developers use HTML,  PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, and Net, for programming and tools like MySQL, Oracle, and SQL.   

Role And Responsibilities Of Back-End Developer

  • Responsible for building the back end of the website and its maintenance.
  • API development.
  • Server software creation and management.
  • Write high-quality codes. 
  • Work with the front-end development team to integrate the user-facing side of the web application. 
  • Responsible for data management and security. 
  • Debug and troubleshoot applications.

Full stack development: The developer that takes care of everything. 

A full-stack developer can do both the back-end and front-end development of an application. 

Full-stack developers are experts in front-end and back-end programming languages, the framework, server, network, and hosting environments of the network.    

Roles And Responsibilities Of Full Stack Developer

  • Development of front-end and designing back-end of the applications.    
  • Design and development of APIs.
  • Creating databases and cloud computing. 
  • Cross-browser checking and testing.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting applications for the front-end and back-end side.
  • Requires both general level expertise and specialised knowledge. 


Standford’s research concluded that 75% of users judge the credibility of a business based on its website and its design, which is why web development should be such that it meets users’ needs.  

Web development isn’t going anywhere; as time progresses, it is only evolving.

From reading blogs to playing your favourite games, everything is the result of web development. 

Thus, web development is worth learning and is an interesting stream of career because it combines technical and analytical skills. 

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