September 8, 2024
Scope Of Web Development In 2023

Scope Of Web Development In 2023

If you are born before the 90s, then you may remember how Scope Of Web Development all began.  

It started in the 90s when‌ the internet came into the picture, and the influx of the world wide web connected all of us online. 

Since then, the scope of web development has evolved drastically from what we could have comprehended 30 years back. 

In 2023, you can no longer write simple algorithms and expect to do well with a plain text-stuffed website; your website’s interface needs to be according to UI design, and it must provide users with a meaningful experience with the products and services. 

The website should be mobile-friendly, and many more web trends must be followed.

Global Mobile Phone Website Traffic  from 2012 to 2022

Key Takeaways

  • Learn What is Web Development.
  • Know What is Future Scope of Web Development in 2023.
  • Get to Know What are 3 Types of Web Development. 

What is Web Development? 

Web development is the work of constructing a website and its architecture on the internet.

A website is a virtual location, identity or web address of a company for its users. 

For Example: The blog you are reading right now is published on the website of iThedal.  

So how does this website come into existence? 

There is a lot of coding that takes place behind the scenes to finish one website and launch it on the internet. This process of building websites is called Web Development.   

Future Scope of Web Development in 2023

future scope of web development

The future of web development demands the inclusion of web development trends like Progressive Web Apps, Motion UI, AI Chatbots, Voice Search Optimization, Push Notification, and many more.

We are living in those times of the internet where a user leaves a webpage within 10 to 20 seconds. and mobile users have surpassed desktop usage for browsing. 

In this light, there are many factors a web developer needs to consider while designing and developing a future-ready website.  

The following web trends are the future of web development:

Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps outrank both Native apps and Web apps in terms of capabilities and reach. Also no need to create separate apps for iOS, Android and other operating systems. 

So when you are creating a website, it is better to develop a website that functions across devices and operating systems and do not end up in a loop of creating and maintaining many web applications. 

That’s where PWA’s are helpful, it functions across devices and operating systems.  


AI–powered chatbots

AI–powered chatbots are almost mandatory new buttons on the right side of websites. 

Chatbots are not the only AI technology that a website needs to integrate; advancement in voice speech optimization and more deep learning through ML can be expected in upcoming times.

Motion UI 

Motion UI enhances the user experience on the website by adding attractive vector designs, giving an immersive user experience. This is one of the important trends in web development that makes websites more engaging.  

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Many businesses are making virtual reality an essential trending part of their website. Web developers should have skills to develop and integrate VR into web applications.

For Example: The websites of Lenskart and Ikea have the option to their products virtually.

IKEA VR Experience

Push Notification

Your application should have a push notification feature for notifications. Do not let your customers forget you. 

Push notifications is an important part of web development, as it enables companies to directly communicate with customers. They are replacing normal communication channels like email and messaging. And it can be easily integrated with blogs or websites as well. 

360-degree Videos 

360-degree Videos are the new famous features in the websites. It requires sufficient knowledge and expertise in Virtual Reality

The features of 360- degree video make the illusion of an object being in real world, and transform the user’s experience on your website.  

  • IoT’s in terms of websites, it makes the website more interactive by connecting objects with the website through real-time networking. IoT will change the frontend interface and user interaction. 

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